
 Sports Medicine

 Bringing You High Quality Care


What can Sports Doctors help with?

  • Diagnosis and non-surgical management of exercise and physical activity related musculoskeletal injuries and trauma

  • Biomechanical analysis of sporting techniques

  • Treating head injuries and concussion associated with sport and optimising a safe return to play

  • Diagnosis, management, and exercise prescription for patients with medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes and pre-diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or cardiac conditions

  • Developing personalised programs for wheelchair and physically-challenged people who exercise, including the Elite Athlete with a Disability (EAD)

  • Injection based therapies e.g. Protein rich plasma (PRP) or Durolane (synthetic product) for tendon's that don’t respond to exercise or osteoarthritis

What do Sports Doctors do?

Sports Doctors work within a multidisciplinary care framework for the optimal management and care of recreational exercisers of all levels—not just elite athletes. They work closely with referring GPs on the diagnosis and treatment of patients and are in regular contact with a wide range of specialists including Orthopaedic Surgeons and Rheumatologists as well as allied health professionals such as Physios, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Sports Trainers and Sports Psychologists.

What makes Sports Doctors different?

Sports Doctors are doctors who undertake an extensive postgraduate training program in dealing with sports injuries and the practice of medicine as it applies to all aspects of physical activity. A Sports Doctor can also take on the role of team doctor, skilled in both on and off-field care of athletes. Their involvement in team care can also include travel medicine, carrying out pre-trip screening and preparation to accompany teams of athletes to countries and major sporting events all over the world.

Do I get a Medicare rebate?

With a referral you can expect a estimate rebate of $70 from Medicare

Is a referral required?

Yes a referral is required from your GP to see a Specialist Sports and Exercise Physician (commonly known as a “Sports Doctor”)