Physiotherapy for children

Physiotherapy for children

Children are resilient and more often than not will bounce back from injury or illness without needing intervention. Some conditions can benefit from physiotherapy, especially in the acute stages, or for chronic conditions that aren’t resolving on their own. In chronic or lifelong conditions, physiotherapists can be an integral part of the medical and allied health team who work together to get optimal function and quality of life. For some acute conditions, just like an adult with a broken bone, kids can need some help to get back to the things they love.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapists:

Musculoskeletal physiotherapists are the bread and butter of physiotherapy, working across the lifespan and entire body. While most of their work tends to be in adults, they are also involved in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal problems in children. This can include:

-          acute injury e.g.

o   fracture management

o   sprains and strains

o   concussion

-          chronic injuries or conditions e.g

o   overuse injuries

o   Rehabilitation following prolonged hospitalisation or deconditioning

-          developmental conditions

o   scoliosis or Scheuermann’s disease

o   “growing pains” such as Severs disease, Osgood Schlatter’s, or shin splints.

-          Medical/genetic conditions

o   Cystic fibrosis

o   hypermobility conditions

o   Cerebral palsy

Paediatric physiotherapists:

Paediatric physiotherapists only work with children, and tend to be more specialised in some areas such as babies, neurological conditions, and developmental conditions than a musculoskeletal physiotherapist. Common conditions they work with include:

-          Chronic illness or injury e.g.

o   Cancer rehabilitation

o   Amputations (or limb differences from birth)

-          Developmental or progressive conditions

o   scoliosis or Scheuermann’s disease

o   Congenital Talipes Equina Varus (club foot)

o   Muscular dystrophy

-          Medical/genetic conditions

o   Cystic fibrosis

o   hypermobility conditions

o   Cerebral palsy

o   Autism spectrum disorders

Which type of physiotherapist should I choose?

For acute injuries, sporting injuries, or chronic injuries a general musculoskeletal physiotherapist will meet your child’s needs.

For chronic medical conditions, developmental conditions, or early life conditions (i.e. babies) a paediatric physiotherapist will be best suited for your child’s needs.

If in doubt, all physiotherapists can get your child started on the rehabilitation journey, and if required can refer you onto someone more suitable. Paediatric physiotherapists can be hard to access though due to their specialisation, so sometimes you need to travel to get access. If distance is an issue, you can work with both so that the musculoskeletal physio can handle the day to day rehab, and the paediatric physio can manage the overall program every few months.

How will you get my child to engage in rehabilitation?

Fun! Children respond best when things can be fun, so a lot of our specific exercises are transformed into fun games to help them stay interested and active in participating. What may look like a simple game of tiggy is actually a great vessel for lower limb strengthening, cardiovascular endurance, and coordination!

Each child is different (and at different stages of life they may like different things) so programs are highly individualised and tailored to suit your child’s needs.